Callie Wachter straightens her hair and touches up her makeup between helping brush her two daughters' teeth and adjusting their socks. It's 7 a.m.
She’s getting ready to drop the girls off at Harrison Memorial Hospital’s daycare. It’s the same place she stayed as a child, and now as a registered nurse in the cardiology clinic, she works on the same floor where she was born.
Callie's roots at the not-for-profit hospital were planted more than 60 years ago, when her now 87-year-old grandmother, Bettye Marshall, joined the staff and eventually worked her way up to director of nursing. Two of Bettye’s daughters work at the hospital: Mary Beth Slade is a respiratory therapist and director of the cardiopulmonary department; Sheila Currans is the CEO.
“It was bred into me when I was younger . . . the hospital is home to me, this is where I grew up, this is where I came every day after school when my mom was working,” Callie says. “I don’t want to be anywhere else as a nurse.” / Mountain Workshop 2019